The new year has arrived. It is the time of celebration, new beginnings, and exciting possibilities... or is it?
For some of us, it's hard to be excited about the new year as we fear what the new year might bring.
Maybe last year wasn't as good as you'd hoped and you feel like things couldn't possibly improve.
The uncertainty of it all can be overwhelming. Try to take small steps towards developing positive coping mechanisms.
Avoid putting yourself under the pressure of expectations regarding how things should be. Live in the present and focus on what is important to you.
Put yourself first. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs.
Now is a time that you can put to good use to rejuvenate yourself. Use this space and time to give yourself some much needed self love, develop new, fresh ideas, you can to turn this into something positive. Just writing this makes me feel more positive and I love that feeling. How about you?
Either way the best way to get on top and ensure you are going to make 2024, your best year yet, we need to cut ourselves some slack and ensure we put our self-care at the top of our priority list!!!
It’s a new year and a new decade with new beginnings and the promise that everything can begin again, letting go and embracing something new. Promise, birth, renewal, new love, life, business, body or fitness, it’s time to start anew.
We challenge you to show yourself some love to set you on track for a great time of growth and development!
We challenge you to try a new self-care activity for 10 days straight. We’ll provide you with easy self-care strategies to try from day 1 through 10 that are suitable for a busy lifestyle like yours.
Why should you take the 10-day self-care challenge?
It’s important to take time to care for yourself so you not only can improve your physical and mental well-being, but so that you avoid experiencing a burnout. And while you probably have heard this before, you certainly need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others, lead effectively or grow your business.
Aside from making yourself a priority (which we think is a good enough reason for self-care!), if you can answer ‘yes’ to any of the below questions, this is the challenge for you.
● Are you feeling overwhelmed?
● Do you ever feel like you’re running on fumes?
● Have you been feeling less focused?
● Have you experienced weight gain?
● Are you feeling irritable or impatient?
● Has your skin been acting up?
What is self-care anyway?
Self-care is not a new concept, in fact, people have been practicing self-care for centuries. Recently, self-care has been trending all over social media and the mainstream news, and we understand why. People are beginning to realise the many benefits that come with simply taking care of yourself. Practicing self-care has been known to positively impact your mental and physical health and is an essential step to truly living a healthy, balanced life. That being said, self-care is not a one size fits all experience, so it is important you keep an open mind and remain committed to your self-care practice in order to reap the benefits over the next 10 days.
Getting ready for the 10-Day Challenge:
Taking the time to prioritize your needs is 100% OK! For this challenge, all you will need is an open mind and to set aside a few minutes for yourself for 10 days straight. Is that so much to ask?
I would like to remind you that you’re totally worth it!
Love Toni X
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